Energetic Facelift
What is it?
What is it?
The Access Energetic Facelift is a dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process that deepens and quickens the body’s natural healing capacities, allowing the cells of your face to reclaim their natural glow, youth, and beauty.
Who is it for?
This process is for anyone interested in looking and feeling more energetic and youthful. The Access Facelift also can contribute to overall healing, wellbeing, and ease in the body.
How Long Does The Treatment Last?
Each session lasts around 60-90 minutes.
How many sessions will I Need?
There is no recommended number of sessions of Access Facelift to achieve incredible results and reap the full benefits of this process. (Some even report seeing changes after just one session.)
However, just like going to the gym, the more you receive it, the more you will continue to look and feel better.
Access Facelift
Access Facelift doesn’t just benefit your face. This powerful practice is also constantly contributing to your body.
Access Bars®
The mantra of Access Consciousness® is “All of Life Comes to Me with Ease, Joy and Glory”.
Access Bars helps you live out the mantra of Access Consciousness by helping “defrag” your brain, creating a sense of clarity, space, and peace you may not have experienced in years. Access Bars is clinically proven to reduce anxiety and depression.
Gary Douglas, the Founder of Access Consciousness says, “Just try it. At worst, you’ll feel like you just had a good massage. At best, your whole life will change.”